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Borrowing my neighbor's son's play rug and my own young son's Hot Wheels cars, I scanned sections of the rug, shot the cars individually with a new-fangled device called a digital camera, and composted the whole thing in Photoshop. Everything is real except for the digital skid marks and motion blur. I contacted the manufacturer of the rug, who was shocked - but also thrilled - at what was being created with their product, and they gave us permission to use their designs without charge, in exchange for a simple courtesy of credit.

Contact me at pyxl8r@me.comRésumé available upon request. This site ©2017 by Ken Palmer. Images by other artists and photographers are shown for portfolio purposes only. Requests for removal of images owned by others will be honored immediately. Do not copy or otherwise infringe upon my -- or anyone else's --  work!